This is a website that presents information – truthful information pertaining to concept of God. It is a discussion forum for those of us who care about the truth and those of us who want to proclaim our beliefs to the world. Many of our visitors and members are believers; many have doubts; and many do not, or cannot, believe in a supreme being who cares about the humanity on our earth. (continued below…)
1,732 believers
I believe in God -
3,021 uncertain
I am not sure -
1,942 non-believers
I do not believe in God -
875 do not divulge
I do not disclose my beliefs
Over thousands of years, philosophers and caring people of all nations have known about the physical world – a world they could see and touch. But they have also felt, from deep within their very souls, that there must be, or there may be, something greater than us, mere earthly animals. Many surely felt and chose to believe that there must be an omnipotent and omniscient power that created humankind and looks after His creation.
Perhaps this is what you believe. Perhaps you cannot believe such an entity exists. Perhaps you are searching for the truth about what the purpose of your existence really is. Here, you can explain why; and you can read why others believe as they do. Please join us – help the billions of people living in our world to find their truth. By standing up for your beliefs, and proclaiming them, you will be giving emotional support to those who want to join you.